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We received the car in Dublin on 31.12. Thanks very much. It's Christmas present for my son. Very nice car with good quality. I will buy another one soon. Thanks Christine, you are very helpful. I
- Donal MorrisPicked up the Bentley and the Boxster yesterday. Boxster is great! Thank you for your help! 2007 PORSCHE BOXSTER WPOZZZ9827U7***** Mark, Germany. January, 2025
- Mark FeiterHot offers

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We received the car in Dublin on 31.12. Thanks very much. It's Christmas present for my son. Very nice car with good quality. I will buy another one soon. Thanks Christine, you are very helpful. I
MorePicked up the Bentley and the Boxster yesterday. Boxster is great! Thank you for your help! 2007 PORSCHE BOXSTER WPOZZZ9827U7***** Mark, Germany. January, 2025
MoreI received second car from your company and it's very good, thank you! 2016 MAZDA CX-5 KE2FW-2***** Happy client, Tanzania. January, 2025